Core Value

I have always received good service from 3TG. Timing and quality have always met my expectations and everything is communicated in a professional and timely manner.


Founder and CEO Dream Smart IT Services


  •  Demonstrate integrity and respect towards any person concerned by our company in any capacity whatsoever.
  •  Be committed to continuous improvement.
  •  Provide always enthusiastic and attentive service.
  •  Provide a safe and healthy working environment.
  •  Offer products that always meet customer requirements.
  •  Adopt a management system that motivates staff to give the best of themselves, achieves their full potential and promotes teamwork.


We strive to meet customer needs and requirements at all times and to the extent possible without compromising our quality. Provide full service to our clients in the following areas: maritime, airport, hotel, catering and anticipate and personalize client needs by providing a truly personalized and efficient service, in combination with a very competitive price. By achieving excellence in products and services through teamwork and continuous improvement of work processes.


Maintain high professionalism and respect in the markets and environments in which we operate. Maintain our reputation as a business market leader in our areas of specialization. To be the main supplier of ships, airports, hotels and restaurants. These services are provided each time at competitive prices through the use of appropriate technology. and committed employees. Customer requests are always our priority (express yourself and inspire us).


Exceeding the expectations of our customers by satisfying our customers in terms of quality-price service.


3TG collaborates with the suppliers of quality products for all these services in order to guarantee you a better quality.

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